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Derrick Sound System

Why Derrick ?


Why not ? Well, more seriously... Sit down, close your eyes, stay quiet, stay calm, listen to my voice. You're now in a Derrick mood, you feel comfortable. Listen to my voice. Derrick's videos are slow ambient detective movies, so Derrick Sound System is electronic ambient music. You now feel confident. You can open your eyes and come back slowly to reality.


How can I join ?


If you read this, you're already a Derrick member. If you start creating sounds, you're a better Derrick member. Everyone can join.


What is the first rule of Derrick Sound System ?


The first rule is that there is no rule or just a few.


Ok, so what is the second rule of Derrick Sound System ?


No Midi or tempo synchronization.


Is there a third rule ?


Yes ! No exercises between members before the show. It's just improvisation and random.


A fourth rule ?


In order to help Derrick Sound System to conquer the world, you must share all your creations using an open source license like CC-BY-SA for example. Add some hastags and keywords as "Derrick Sound System" or "DSS" to help people retrieve your work on the web. So they can use and remix it to produce new sounds and new Derrick art. A good idea is to upload all your work on


Thanks. What is then the fifth rule ?


Hum... Do you really need a fifth rule ?


Wait ! We have one more thing you must know : we love challenges. Producing music with only sounds found in your place ? Why not ??? Playing 6 hours live with sounds coming from just one tiny track (and no ambient nor electronic track…) ? Why n-o-t ? Playing music with surprising electronic stuff ? No problem… If you think your idea is crazy, don't forget we can be crazier.


Copyleft - Derrick Sound System 2014

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